Sunday, January 17, 2010

Scenes From a Pond

The light over the pond was luminous this morning. It highlit all the golds and reds in the landscape, and treated us to spectacular views in between waves of dark clouds presaging the insistent rain we've seen most of today.

I can't get over the way the light changes the landscape. Outside my window right now, the grass appears a dull buff color under the dark clouds, but this morning, it was a range of vibrant colors.

Even the leafless trees add line and definition to the scene.

Early in the morning, after dawn, the light changed the grass to a deep reddish-orange.

I knew we would love this land in the warmer months, but I wasn't expecting it to be so beautiful in the winter light.
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  1. Simply beautiful. What peace you can have in your heart with a view like that. The last picture, the colors are a treat for the eyes!

  2. Thanks! It was really lovely sitting outside this morning. It made up for the rain later in the day.


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