Sunday, May 17, 2009

More Plantings....

Well, the rain is letting me get a lot of blogging done! Here's a bed the previous owner planted by the road. I weeded and mulched it this weekend, as it looked pretty sad before. I'm finding beautiful plants in it, and the previous owner told my husband to be prepared for more surprises there, so there must be a lot of perennials still to come up.

I'm trying to be careful only to pull out the invasive weeds, and leave any with flowers or berries for the insects and birds to use. I'm not sure if the poppy below is a wild one or planted on purpose, since it could be either, and it's not really planted in the bed itself. It's certainly welcome here, though!

This next bush was definitely planted, but I have no idea what it is. The flowers are wonderful.

And here's a real wildflower, which is definitely staying. My ambition eventually is to take a portion of the land and make a wildflower meadow; I've always wanted one.

A mixture of wild and domestic here: Blanketflower (gaillardia) with a wild raspberry growing around it. The wild raspberry plants are throughout the bed; they're 'weeds' but I'm leaving them because the birds will eat the berries.

Funny: I did an Internet search on 'beneficial weeds,' hoping to find some pictures to show me which weeds would be of use to the wildlife. The only articles I found were on weeds that are beneficial to humans, which I found a little ironic.

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