Sunday, September 27, 2009

History in Our Backyard

My husband and some visiting friends were exploring the road we live on, and discovered an old church near an American Revolutionary War site. I suppose it's easy to find these sites in South Carolina, but we were excited to know we live so close to one.

The church was delapidated, but very moving in its simplicity.

The sign says it was founded in 1768 as part of a religious revival sweeping across the American colonies. It's not clear to me if this building dates from then.

Can't you just imagine the locals worshiping here? I wonder what happened to the pews. There's a small graveyard out back filled with gravestones carrying local names we recognize...because they're the names of roads and small businesses all around here.

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  1. Really interesting. I hope some historical society steps in to save the church. It's beautiful.


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